วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Four Characteristics of Successful Clients in Cross-Cultural Coaching

Four Characteristics of Successful Clients in Cross-Cultural Coaching Tube. Duration : 9.08 Mins.

Who I work with part 2 Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com Transcript of Video: Profiles of successful clients who work with me, byJennifer Kumar, Cross-Cultural Coach. Characteristics of the most successful clients who worked with me are: The world is a puzzle we can put together! Inspiring individuals open to new ideas and new ways of thinking and approaching situations to bridge "cultural divides" are ideal for cross-cultural mentoring. In the process of helping you sort things out, we do a lot of brainstorming and testing out ideas. Together, we collect a lot of ideas, helping you think and choose the best ones that suit you. From these ideas, we create goals, action plans and a schedule of accountability to help you to realize success. Self-driven and motivated for success and self-improvement. Though I am always in your corner, your best cheerleader, I know you are the one who's responsible for your life. I respect that you will make the best decisions for yourself and be able to initiate your action plans, realize your own goals and ultimately be responsible for your success. Not afraid to try something different, new and possibly uncomfortable to create success and comfort abroad. When we try new things in a new environment, we have to be willing to 'look a little foolish'. Think about little kids learning to walk and talk. They take so many risks to walk and talk. They make a lot of mistakes, but they don't let it get them down. They keep trying until they ...

Keywords: cross cultural coaching, expat coaching, FAQ, What is an expat coach?, help with cultural adjustment, hope, help with culture shock, help expat wives, cross cultural awareness, self-awareness, diversity training, cross cultural course, one on one cultural mentoring, individualized help, cross culture class, tutorial, tips, marketing, seminar, life abroad, coping techniques, comfort, transitions

